April 2007

Tithe Brokerage Firm
I'm sure this is something I will need to rethink (or repent of), but from a conversation an idea came up: creating a tithing brokerage firm.  People could come and talk about their tithe portfolio.  The client comes in and...
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Expository Preaching Series
Here is a series some of you preachers may be interested in, Colin Adams (Unashamed Workman) started a series, "Ten Questions for Expositors"  with his first interview with Tim Keller.  [HT: Reformissionary]
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Idols of Your Heart
Dr. Richard Kaufmann, movement leader at Harbor Presbyterian led the session Preparing & Preaching a Gospel Centered Message @ the Acts 29 Regional Conference.  In this session, he said (I believe he was quoting someone, but I don't recall who)...
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Western Idols that Shape US
Dr. Michael Goheen (dual US/Canadian citizen) who lives in Canada spoke about Western Idols (I forgot who he was quoting).  It made me think about (and reflect on his comments) regarding how this effects the church. The 4 Western Ideological...
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Twelve Priorities I Would Pursue If I Church-Planted Again
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Dr. Michael Goheen led an excellent session that I wanted to post some of his comments and thoughts here. (The mp3 with the full session should be up in a week or so from the Acts 29 Regional Church Conference...
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Rick McKinley Launches Blog
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In the quiet of the night, Rick McKinley (pastor @ Imago Dei, church planter & author ) launches a blog.  Previously, he had resisted: So...I am officially entering the blogoshphere. I have always resisted it since most of them that...
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