Leadership Development in Community – Prophets

mc-development.gif Kaleo Church is a movement of people seeking to change San Diego by the power of the gospel.  As we have examined what it means to be the church, Kaleo has shifted our emphasis to people living together being the church in the neighborhoods and patterns of life they are already in.  These Missional Communities are where people live as a one-anothering community and express mercy, hospitality, love and mission to the city.  Corporately groups of Missional Communities gather together weekly to celebrate together, worship and share in gospel-learning.

As such, we have re-oriented much of our leadership development & discipleship through these communities.  Our goal is to create a systemic discipleship process for the people of Kaleo as well as bring systematic development to those who seek to grow in using their gifts in the community.  We see the people of God exercising their gifts as Prophets, Priests & Kings.  You can download the example of Missional Community Leader Development (pdf), which are typically more Prophet oriented.  This track would also lead to Elders, Teachers and Church Planters

See also: Priests & Kings  


Prophetic type – an emphasis on the unchanging truths of God’s character, the gospel message and the mission of the Church.
Priestly type – an emphasis on the care of the soul and caring for one another.
Kingly type – an emphasis on the tangible working out of the mission through structures, strategic thinking and hands on activity