November 2005

National Magazine Needs 'Secret Shoppers' to attend churches
A National Christian Magazine asked me if I had people who are interested in contributing to an article they are writing. It would require that a person attends a church in their area and perform a 'secret shopper' role to...
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Youth Pastors as Second Class Citizens
As I walked the Exhibition floor of the National Outreach Convention, I browsed the exhibits. One exhibitor, who sold services to 'pastors' said, "Oh, this is really more for pastors." I replied, "I am a pastor." She responded, "Oh, a...
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Picture from New York
I just uploaded this picture from my trip to New York. I wanted to upload a bunch more and integrate them into my blog. Any recommendations on a gallery system. A friend recommended Gallery2 and I saw someone had integrated...
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National Outreach Convention
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I spent today at the National Outreach Convention. I will dedicate a post to each session I attend to share what I learned. Here are the sessions I plan or have to attended: Breaking Attendance Barriers Do you desire to...
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MySpace Oversaturated
Anyone else tired of MySpace? It seems like it's no longer 'my' space but 5,602,234 marketing opportunities to promote stuff to you.
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Anonymous Confessions of a Modern Day American Christian
I don't know how to talk to people one-on-one. I only join groups to be entertained so I fumble at how to get to know people. So when I go places after an event is done, I leave. I don't...
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Ekklesia Systems – Church Content Management, Assimilation, Contact Management and Event Management
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Redesigned Site v2.0 Now Ekklesia Systems is a web-based application built for churches. Ekklesia combines a Content Management System (CMS), Contact Management System, Assimilation/Member Management System and Event/Registration Management System in one system. Ekklesia was created by church planters who...
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Twelve Tribes : The Commonwealth of Israel
"If a Christian is a true seeker of God, they are better off reading the word of God at face value than buying into the traditions of mainstream churches. When a believer sincerely cries out to God, God will lead...
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Is the Twelve Tribes a Cult?
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There are many 'anti-cult' sites (Rick Ross Twelve Tribes resources, Twelve Tribes-EX) that attack the Twelve Tribes for being a cult. Their claims often attack positions the Twelve Tribes takes on discipline, lifestyle and Biblical authority. I've had a couple...
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The Reality of Christian Teenage Years
My youth group experience (at least the way I perceived it) seemed focused more on what not to do. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't have sex. In fact, I think it was in my church high school group that I...
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