Triperspectivalism, Multiperspectivalism & Other Large Words

johnframe.jpg It's been well over a year since my first post on multiperspectivalism (or triperspectivalism), but more and more people & churches are seeing this as a framework to do effective ministry.  In the Acts 29 forum, there appears to be several churches who are re-thinking their structures based on this framework.  At Kaleo Church, Dick Kaufmann and Doug Swagerty (from Harbor Pres.) have influenced us greatly.  These two missional church planters have had years of applying a triperspectival approach to ministry. Also, they both taught on triperspectivalism with John Frame.  I've been told Redeemer is flying Dick out (who used to be 'Keller's right hand man') to do some consulting for them.  David Fairchild has also been emailing John Frame (right image, the man credited with introducing triperspectivalism) who we're trying to schedule for our regional event in San Diego. We are just at the beginning of unpacking this and seeing how it applies to the church & our lives but I thought it would be helpful to consolidate what we have so far:

pdf_icon.jpg John Frame's Primer on Perspectivalism (pdf)

Posts from my blogs: 

How Multi-perspectivalism and Tri-Perspectivalism should shape your Worldview

Triperspectival Ecclesiology – Being the Church as Corporate, Intimate & Group

The Decline of the Western Church and the Call to renew your Church’s Ecclesiology

Missional Eldership – Leading a Transformational Community

Creating a Church to Change Culture

Developing Leaders to lead

Triperspectival Ministry Assessment

How Mutliperspectivalism shapes Church Leadership and how you staff a church

Leadership Conflict Resolution: Prophet | Priest | King

What type of churches NOT to plant (triperpectival)

Deacon Training & Development

Other bloggers mentioning these perspectival approaches:

Ministry through the lens of Multiperspectival Epistemology 


Frame Friday: Multiperspectivalism

Frame and Triperspectivalism