An article that I wrote that is at Church Marketing Sucks, it begins:
What is the objective of church communication? Of using story? What is the role of the church communicator? Last month I had the privilege of tackling these topics for a group of church communicators primarily from large churches in Southern California.
Often the larger the organization, the more dangerous the tendency to slip into pragmatism. All of us like to get things done, but it adds a layer of complexity when we seek to do this through others in a church setting. Over the years I’ve failed in this way in numerous ways, particularly when our church made a transition from being more traditional Sunday service oriented to becoming more based on people gathering throughout the week in missional communities across the city. My communication caused many to feel a burden of legalism because we often improperly communicated. Even in my role at MonkDev, where we are building web apps and online strategies for church that want to increase engagement such as small group participation or broaden exposure to attract new people, this tension is always there: How do you effectively communicate and get the results you want?
CMS: Moving Beyond Stories