Free Bibles

A member at my church (Kaleo Church) runs a non-profit called which sends (you guessed it) free bibles anywhere in the world to people who need them. I'd love it if you could help them get Bibles into people's hands who cannot afford or are unable to purchase them. Here's how you can help:

1) Link to (
2) Donate $ – Freebibles ships approximately 300-500 individually wrapped bibles a month at $3-5 a Bible. They are a non-profit, so all donations are tax deductable.
3) Donate Bibles – Have extra Bibles? I'm sure your church does too. Do a Bible drive and send over your spare Bibles. Kaleo donated 500 Bibles in 6-months.

Donations can be sent to:
2750 Wheatstone Street Ste #21
San Diego, CA 92111 USA

4) Pray for the ministry and recipients of the Bibles.