For Young Women Only


Dating Games For Young Women Only!

Have you ever wondered what the guys you hang out with are really thinking and feeling? Has your boyfriend ever completely shut down on you, leaving you wondering why a totally minor incident ticked him off? Do you ever find yourself wishing that the cute but untalkative guy in class would open up a bit more?


Well now is your chance to find out! Whether you’re visiting this site for fun, curiosity, or just to win an i-Pod, we believe you will come away with a brand-new perspective on how guys think that will affect your life.


Choose the answer that you believe most average bachelors are really thinking:

Question #1       Describe the kind of girl you find attractive

Bachelor #1:      I don’t really care about appearance as long as she is a believer

Bachelor #2:      I’m only attracted to Sports Illustrated babes

Bachelor #3:      An average girl is more my style. She’s more real, like I can have a conversation with her

                         All of the above

                         None of the above



Question #2       What would be a definite turn off to you?

Bachelor #1:      Girls who don’t take care of themselves

Bachelor #2:      Girls who give in—I want a girl without a history because the more guys she’s had, the higher the chance that she’ll cheat on you

Bachelor #3:      Mean girls—guys will give a quick jab, but girls will go for your heart

All of the above

None of the above



Question #3       What do you want out of a relationship?

Bachelor #1:      I want a girl who will listen, and know me, and understand what I’m going through

Bachelor #2:      A hot girl that makes me look good

Bachelor #3:      A friend with benefits

All of the above

None of the above


Question #4       What do you wish girls knew about guys?

Bachelor #1:      Girls think, ‘He’s kissing me because he loves me,’ whereas in reality, he’s usually not.

Bachelor #2:      Many guys will push for something physical, but what girls don’t know is that the minute they get it they start to doubt whether the girl can be trusted

Bachelor #3:      Girls may think an outfit is “cute”—but guys aren’t thinking that at all. If you dress in a revealing outfit, we think you want us to picture you naked

                         All of the above

                         None of the above


Answers: Q1: 3, Q2: All of the Above, Q3,  1, Q4: All of the Above 

The Results: So how did you do? Were you surprised by the results? These answers may shock you, but they also should help us move past our surface understanding (what we assume about guys) and take us inside to what these guys are really feeling at their core. By letting you in on the guy’s secrets, we hope you will take it as an opportunity not just to learn fascinating new things, but also to practice new ways of relating. Not only can you become a better girlfriend (or a much more attractive prospect!), but also learn the skills to becoming a better friend.