The Christian Web Conference is designed to equip individuals with the vision, knowledge, and relationships that are necessary in order to be thoughtful practitioners and consumers of developing web technologies. Expect GREAT conversations from numerous LEADING THINKERS who will help shape not necessary ‘what or how’ you use the web by WHY.
Why Should I Be Part of the Christian Web Conference?
The Christian Web Conference fosters community and learning through a combination of, idea roundtable sessions, and meal-time fellowshipping with web media experts. Attendees should expect to meet and interact with some of the top intellectual Christian web users in order to form friendships, learn how to improve their web media knowledge and ability from experts, and participate in vision casting for Christian use of web technologies. Ultimately, you should be a part of this conference because your brilliant ideas will be valued by others and because you can learn from the brilliant ideas of others. Your ideas and skills can help transform the way people use and think the web so come prepared to share and collaborate.
Digital to Incarnational: people & ideas advancing the kingdom through web technologies.
I will be facilitating a session at this conference.