
The Dangers of Triperspectivalism
As more churches & leaders begin to use triperspectivalism as a philosophy of ministry, there are a few dangers I wanted to warn against (these came up in an elder meeting at Kaleo): Personality Test  - One of the dangers...
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Missional – Missio Dei, Missionary or Mission
At the Acts 29 conference Ed Stetzer spoke on the history of the word missional which traces it's origins from three streams of thoughts: missio dei, missionary & mission.  He presents why we may all use the same word, yet...
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Leading Gospel-Centered Church Meetings
Do you have a structure of how to lead meetings at your church?  In our monthy church planting meetings with Harbor, they patterned a structure of meeting we have adopted at Kaleo.  It includes: 1. Grace Renewal Stories [Existential] -...
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Triperspectival Hermeneutics
David Fairchild and I spoke yesterday about a triperspectival hermeneutics.  He has posted some great insight into how to use a triperspectival hermeneutic .  Here is a snapshot, but I encourage you to read the whole post. Our Triune God...
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Triperspectivalism, Multiperspectivalism & Other Large Words
It's been well over a year since my first post on multiperspectivalism (or triperspectivalism), but more and more people & churches are seeing this as a framework to do effective ministry.  In the Acts 29 forum, there appears to be...
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Creating a Church to Change Culture
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Lately churches have spoken a lot about being relevant to the culture.  For many churches, this was a necessary first step.  We had to begin by taking a missionary posture to understand the prevailing worldview and the ideological shifts that...
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Missional Eldership – Leading a Transformational Community
Traditional/Centralized forms of church government destroy a church's mission.  At Kaleo Church we continue to re-think the form of our church and our church's ecclesiology for the sake of the gospel. As we do, we must also consider how we...
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The Decline of the Western Church and the Call to renew your Church's Ecclesiology
The Western Church is in decline. Part of the challenge is the church is stuck in old models of ecclesiology based on Constantinian views of church.  The church is seen as a power structure seeking to 'attract' people from the...
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Triperspectival Ecclesiology – Being the Church as Corporate, Intimate & Group
There is a lot of conversation lately around missional ecclesiology.  From The Shaping of Things to Come and the Forgotten Ways by Alan Hirsch to Dr. Michael Goheen's Missional Ecclesiology sessions at our church conference based on Lesslie Newbigin, who...
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Developing Leaders to lead
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How do you develop leaders at your church?  This is a common challenge for churches, who must utilize the volunteer pool to lead important ministries in their church.  Harbor Presbyterian, Kaleo Church and a group of other church planters meet...
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