
The Dangers of Confession while in the Pulpit
Should a pastor confess their sin behind the pulpit?  I have heard people tell pastors that they should not confess their sin while preaching.  These (often a-little-too Reformed) pastors believe it diminishes the office.  This conversation took place when a...
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Tim Keller vs. John Piper Deathmatch
It's gotten to this. djchuang posts on Why I like Keller more than Piper.  A new wave of preacher Deathmatches are sweeping the internet, where will it go? Mark Driscoll vs. Joshua Harris John MacArthur vs. Andy Stanley Rick McKinely...
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The Problem With Preaching
Any time a person 'attacks' preaching, it's bound to cause a stir.  Next Wave publishes an article, The Problem with Preaching that begins: Preaching is a big problem. After many years of preaching, listening to sermons, studying the scriptures, participating...
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Promise and Deliverance
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Are you interested in a good Redemptive Historical work?  Promises and Deliverance is an English translation of the 19th century work by Reverend S. G. De Graaf in a 4 volume set that outlines and summaries of Bible stories. (You...
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How to list your most recent sermons on your blog (or other website)
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Pastors, would you like to have your (or another preachers) most recent sermons on your blog automatically?   Here is any easy guide to syndicating your latest sermons using Sermon Cloud. 1. Create a Sermon Cloud account. 2. Upload sermons. 3....
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Topical, Textual or Expository Sermons – What is the best method?
Over the years, I've had the opportunity to attend several church planting conferences.  Often, a session discusses whether preacher should preach topically, by text or if it should be expository.  What form of preaching is best, let's look at the...
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Gospel-Centered Wedding Message
This weekend I performed a wedding. I was looking for a good gospel-centered wedding message. I ended up tailoring the message from CJ Mahaney's Sex, Romance and the Glory of God from chapter 2: The Divine Purpose for Your Marriage....
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Sermon Cloud [Advanced Sermon Syndication] is launched
We just launched Sermon Cloud as a tool to help churches use advanced sermon syndication. It is in BETA form with a handful of churches (12 and counting) signed up to start using it. Features include: - Resampling mp3's to...
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(Tri) MultiPerspectival Preaching
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The Reformissionary had a post pointing to Keller's writings on Informational vs Experiential Preaching, which brings up a great illustration of how to apply multiperspectivalism in preaching. Here is the quote: The "informational" view of preaching conceives of preaching as...
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New Sermon Series on Galatians
Kaleo is about to begin the book of Galatians for our next sermon series. Many consider Martin Luther's Commentary on Galatians as the one of the best (if not the best commentary). John Bunyan said this was the book that...
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